Azotara is an experimental video about space, light and body in movement. My intention was to explore the possibility of the art of light and dance. In Azotara we try to make visible what is normally invisible, the voluminosity of light and space. Light, which ordinarily remains on the fringe of consciousness as a vague concept, has a physical presence; and by perceiving Light itself in an empty, abandoned space, rather than a representation of light, we are able to conceptualize more concretely what before may have been loose and abstract. In this environment, light gains a more palpable presence and it becomes the sensory material.
singel channel vide, color, stereo, no dialogue, aspect ratio 16×9, 10’30” | Serbia, 2012 | camera operator: Orfeas Skutelis | music by: Vlada Raskovic | bottles: Onko | itles: antonio sambi | dancers: natasa vranesevic, jelena alempijevic, mia inic and milica leko
Awards: The “Best SEEtalents Experimental” award at at the Naoussa International Film Festival in Greece, 2014 | Second Prize at Short Cuts International Dance Festival, Graz, Austria, 2014 | Screening: Museum of Contemporary Art, Novi Sad, Serbia / Interfilm Berlin - 30th International Short Film Festival, Berlin, Germany//Independent and short film festival Film Front, Novi Sad, Serbia//The Naoussa International Film Festival, Greece / Short Cuts International Dance Festival, Graz, Austria/ Alternativ Film and Video Festival, Belgrad, Serbia//Kratki Metar, Short Film Festival, Belgrad, Serbia//Director Lounge, Urban Research, Berlin, Germany